How Drugs Will Affect Our Community and Touch our Families

How Drugs Will Affect Our Community and Touch our Families


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - 12:00pm to Thursday, October 29, 2020 - 11:45am

Moscow Police Chief James Fry will discuss how drugs affect our community and families in this League of Women Voters of Moscow noon forum.

Fry, and Officers Ryan Snyder and Tyler Allen, will discuss the current drug problem as well as the drugs that are coming into our area. Fry will also share about Moscow Police Department’s efforts to combat the drug crisis. 

Fry, a native of Idaho, holds bachelor and master's degrees from the University of Idaho. He started his law enforcement career in 1993 with the Moscow Police Department as a reserve officer and was hired as an officer in 1995. He advanced through the ranks for the next 25 years, serving in every capacity within the police department, before he was selected as chief in 2016. In 2018, he accepted an appointment to the Idaho Police Officers Standards in Training Board and in 2019 he was appointed to Gov. Brad Little’s Opioid Advisory Board.

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