LWVM Speaker Series: Historic Preservation: What it Is, What it Does, and Why it Matters

LWVM Speaker Series: Historic Preservation: What it Is, What it Does, and Why it Matters

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1912 Center, Arts Workshop Room
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - 12:00pm
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Join the League of Women Voters Moscow for a Speaker Series event, Historic Preservation: What it Is, What it Does, and Why it Matters, at 12 p.m. on Wed., April 23 in the 1912 Center Arts Workshop Room.

The National Register of Historic Places was created in 1966 and today lists more than one million properties and districts as historically significant, including Moscow’s Ft. Russell and Downtown Commercial Districts, as well as individual buildings like the University of Idaho’s Administration Building. Despite the ubiquity of NRHP designation, the program and its benefits are not well understood. A panel of three Moscow residents and professionals engaged in historic preservation work will review the value and limitations of historic preservation practices.

Dulce Kersting-Lark is the Head of Special Collections and Archives at the University of Idaho Library and a former Executive Director of the Latah County Historical Society. For more than a decade she has worked to elevate the value of historically significant properties in Moscow. At present she is co-directing an effort to see the University of Idaho’s Moscow campus designated as a Historic District on the NRHP. 

Hayley Noble joined the Latah County Historical Society in 2021 and has been the Executive Director since 2022. She also serves on the Latah Preservation Commission, the board of directors for the Idaho Association of Museums and is spearheading the upcoming 2025 Voices & Votes Smithsonian Exhibit and the 2026 America 250 efforts. Hayley received her master’s degree in public history focusing on World War II military history from Boise Staniversity in 2019. She continues to research and share stories of Soviet women in combat on the eastern front in her spare time. She joined the League of Women Voters in 2022. 


Nels Reese is an Emeritus Professor of Architecture and has been a member of the Moscow Historic Preservation Commission for 15 years. He is currently chairperson.