“Wildland Fire in Idaho: Past, Present, and Future” will be the topic of a League of Women Voters of Moscow Speaker Forum at 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20. The presentation will be on Zoom. Join via Zoom: https://bit.ly/LWVMSpF.
The speaker will be Heather Heward, a Senior Instructor at the University of Idaho who teaches classes that center around fuels and fire management with a focus on prescribed fire. She will discuss the events and policies that have shaped the landscape of wildland fire in Idaho and what action can be taken in the future to help Idahoans live with fire.
Heather started as a seasonal firefighter in 2002 and continues to respond to work on prescribed fires and wildfires. She is the faculty advisor for the Students Association for Fire Ecology (SAFE) club and is able to take students on several prescribed burns a year with various partners around the country.
She has a master's degree in Fire Ecology and Management from the University of Idaho and is starting her Ph.D. in Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership where she hopes to study how to improve the education and training in wildland fire management.