The League of Women Voters of Moscow is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Speaker Series
The LWV Moscow Speaker Series offers a robust lineup of experts speaking on a variety of topics. Check out the Calendar for more information on upcoming events. Missed an event? Recordings for several Speaker Series events can be found on the League of Women Voters of Idaho YouTube channel.
Poverty Study Update
The LWV Moscow has updated the Poverty in Latah County study adopted in 2012. View the final draft of the updated study and the revised
position statement.
League of Women Voters Moscow Day
Moscow Mayor Art Bettge declared Sept. 19, 2022 as League of Women Voters Moscow Day in recognition of the Leagues 70 years of service to the community.
Lifetime Members

LWV of Moscow member Kay Keskinen was honored as a lifetime member of the League of Women Voters in May 2022. Kay joined the Moscow League in 1972 and has held many positions, including as board member, candidate forum moderator, and webmaster. Read more about Kay's amazing journey.