

How Does The League Select Issues for Emphasis?

In League, Program means the issues that we choose for concerted study, education and action at local, state and national levels. Program can include both education and action.

The Program Planning process is part of what makes the League a grassroots organization; each League member has the opportunity to influence the selection of issues where the local, state, and national League will focus time, talent and money.

Every two years, members of local Leagues engage in Program Planning. Based on the results of this, the Board of Directors makes recommendations to the biennial convention delegates about the program to be adopted for the coming two year period.

 Click here for latest information on bills in the Illinois General Assembly which impact LWVIL issues

2023 Issues Briefing

This annual event sponsored by LWVIL invited outstanding speakers to inform members and non-members alike about current issues and about legislation being considered in the General Assembly. The event several sessions Feb 18.
For the convenience of those of you who wish to review sessions or who were unable to attend, recordings are linked here.


Morning Plenary: Defending Democracy: Threats to Elections


Morning Breakout Sessions:

  • Racism in Our Schools
  • Carbon Capture and Sequestration: What is it and why should we be concerned?
  • Transforming Juvenile Justice: Good outcomes for all with Illinois leading the way


Afternoon Breakout Sessions:

  • Good Intentions vs. Good Laws: Why Housing Advocacy Matters
  • Gun Violence as a Public Health Issue
  • What’s Next for Reproductive Rights in Illinois?


Afternoon Plenary:

Empowering Voters: How to Get a Grassroots Bill Passed

 League of Women Voters of Illinois