45th Annual Recognition Lunch

45th Annual Recognition Lunch


Sunset Ridge Country Club Northfield
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 - 11:00am

45th Annual Recognition Lunch Join the Winnetka-NorthfieldGlencoe Chamber of Commerce as they host the 45th Annual Recognition Lunch on Wednesday, April 26 11:00 AM at Sunset Ridge Country Club in Northfield. The Chamber of Commerce will also be celebrating 100 years serving local businesses. The lunch recognizes “the best of Winnetka, Northfield and Glencoe” – local citizens, educators, public servants, and businesses for their extraordinary commitment to serving the communities. 

In addition to lunch there will be a silent auction along with a fashion show. Many of our local businesses will donate one-of-a-kind items for the silent auction. Our local apparel boutiques are a destination for Chicago shoppers and will showcase the latest spring trends in the chic fashion show with local residents as models. Tickets and further information on the honorees are available online at www.wngchamber.com.