February 26 - AI and American National Security
The AI revolution is the leading edge of a larger high-tech revolution that promises to transform the world. Experts argue that international cooperation is needed to expand the opportunities that these new technologies hold while protecting societies from their dangers. What are the key policy debates in this area, and what are the opportunities and limits on global AI rules of the road? How will the AI revolution impact American national security? What are its policy options to secure the benefits of AI and guide against its dangers?
Author: Julie George
Participants read an article in the Foreign Policy Association briefing book, which can be purchased for $30 or borrowed from the library. We meet, view a related video, and discuss the briefed questions on eight consecutive Wednesday afternoons.
Please send questions to Peggy Slater, peggyslater [at] msn.com with a subject line of Great Decisions. For more information on the Great Decisions program see https://www.fpa.org/great_decisions.
Please register for this event by contacting Peggy Slater at peggyslater [at] msn.com with a subject line of Great Decisions.