Great Decisions

Great Decisions


Winnetka Public Library
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - 1:00pm

February 12 - International cooperation on climate change
The 2015 Paris Agreement established a UN-sponsored framework for negotiations on climate change and global warming. In subsequent COP meetings, experts and political leaders have come together seeking common cause of this growing global crisis. What is the future of these efforts, and what has it yielded? What is the U.S. role in fostering cooperation on climate change? In a divided country, what is the range of possible futures for American policy leadership?
Author: Josh Busby

Participants read an article in the Foreign Policy Association briefing book, which can be purchased for $30 or borrowed from the library.  We meet, view a related video, and discuss the briefed questions on eight consecutive Wednesday afternoons.

Please send questions to Peggy Slater, peggyslater [at] with a subject line of Great Decisions. For more information on the Great Decisions program see

Please register for this event by contacting Peggy Slater at peggyslater [at] with a subject line of Great Decisions.