I would like to invite you and your fellow LWV members to watch the Premier reading of my play Liz Estrada, An Adaptation of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata. I believe you will find the play not only entertaining but inspirational and perhaps even instructional as you lend your support to the fight to overturn voter suppression laws and block Texas style anti-choice legislation.
Liz Estrada, set in Washington DC in the era of Trump, is a retelling of Aristophanes’ 2,400 year old play about a group of determined women who use a unique strategy in order to establish their political power. The play is being read by the New York-based Instant Shakespeare Company (ISC). ISC has been performing readings of works (primarily Shakespeare’s), for the past twenty years. Because they believe that it is the “words” that matter, they perform without costumes or staging.
There is no cost for tuning in to this event, which is scheduled for Thursday, September 30th, starting at 7:30 EST.
Here is the link to the performance: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81757468237