The League of Women Voters of Illinois would like to invite you to our LWVIL Legislative Hour, a virtual 60 minutes with Illinois legislators to discuss the Legislature's plans for addressing healthcare and mental health issues.
This event, focused on healthcare including mental health and domestic violence, will occur on Monday, May 4 at 11 a.m. via Zoom and feature Illinois Majority Caucus Chair and Senator Mattie Hunter, Illinois Deputy Republican Leader and State Representative Tom Demmer, and Illinois State Representative Deb Conroy.
We will conclude our time together with questions from the audience. Please submit your questions no later than May 3rd at 10 p.m. to issues [at] (the LWVIL Issues & Advocacy Committee). Time is limited but we will attempt to include as many of your questions as possible.
.This event is free and open to League members who register in advance.
The full schedule of upcoming LWVIL Legislative Hours can be found on the LWVIL website