Shame of Chicago: The Color Tax

Shame of Chicago: The Color Tax


Joseph Sears School,
521 Abbotsford Road,
Kenilworth Illinois
Illinois US
Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

f you are interested in history, wealth generation, real estate and addressing inequity, this presentation is for you. “Shame of Chicago” is a five-part documentary revealing the true stories behind how Chicago and its suburbs devised the most sweeping system of racially segregated communities. Episode 3, “The Color Tax: Origins of the Modern Day Wealth Gap” focuses on the contrast between the rapid expansion of a white families that benefited from federal policies and home equity, and Black families who could not secure mortgages and who stood to lose everything with a single missed payment. 
A discussion will follow the  40-minute documentary led by Bruce Orenstein, Lead Director and Producer, and Dr. Clinton Boyd, Executive Director of “Fathers Families Healthy Communities.”