Threat Facing Local News and Democracy

Threat Facing Local News and Democracy

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 7:00pm

Join the Evanston RoundTable for an online webinar panel of experts to discuss the threat facing local news and democracy. The discussion will be moderated by Charles Whitaker, dean and professor at Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communication, and a member of the RoundTable board of directors. He will be joined by Tracy Baim, president and co-publisher of the Chicago Reader and founder of the Chicago Independent Media Alliance; Sun-Times columnist Laura Washington; and Tim Franklin, who heads Medill's Local News Initiative and is the past president of the Poynter Institute. The event will be a fundraiser in support of the RoundTable’s fall NewsMatch campaign. We hope you will decide to support our work.

Wednesday, November 17
7 p.m.