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Submitted by the US (LWVUS) in August 2021.
Action Alerts
At this critical moment in our nation’s history, as the freedom to vote remains under threat, we need pro-voter legislation more than ever! Tell your representatives to vote yes on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and live up to the full promise of American democracy.
Submitted by the US (LWVUS) in March 2021.
Over 100 years after (some) women gained the right to vote, women and nonbinary people are still not guaranteed equality under the law.
Tell your senators to support the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Submitted by the US (LWVUS) in September 2019.
Now is the time for Congress to step up and pass common-sense gun violence prevention reforms, such as universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole, and banning assault weapons.
Tell your Senators to pass the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and take a stand against the epidemic of gun violence.
Submitted by the US (LWVUS) in April 2019.
The League is gearing up to take a stand in Congress, statehouses, and courtrooms nationwide to ensure no voters are left behind. Stand with the League in our fight to ensure our elections are always free, fair, and accessible.