The Norwood League of Women Voters seeks to be a proud partner with local government and schools as well as citizen groups. Please contact us at lwvnorwoodma [at] to co-sponsor or participate in your non-partisan event.
Here's where you can find LWV Norwood out in the community in the coming weeks:
The 2025 Norwood LWV Margery McKenna Memorial Scholarship is now accepting applications. This award is intended to recognize a student who has shown interest or participation in the civic process. The scholarship award amount is $1,000. Applications must be submitted by Friday, May 16, 2025. The Norwood LWV will present the award at its June 2025 meeting to be held at the Morrill Memorial Library, in the Simoni Room, at 6:30 p.m. Interested high school seniors should use apply here.
Norwood 101 - Monday, April 14, 2025 from 6:00-8:00
New residents are invited to join the LWV and other organizations in the Simoni Room of the Morrill Memorial Library to learn about all the wonderful people and opportunities in your new town.