Virtual Zoom Meeting
See map: Google Maps
Monday, June 5, 2023 - 1:00pm
SEMCOG is hosting a One Water webinar on June 5 at 1pm to kick off Great Lakes and Fresh Water week (June 3 -11). This webinar, Water: Connected for Life, will feature presentations from the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), and SEMCOG with discussions covering:
- Regional water affordability programs
- How Southeast Michigan’s water workforce is changing
- How working together to green our region plays an important role in protecting our water resources.
The people of Southeast Michigan benefit from living in the heart of the planet's greatest fresh water resource. It’s important that all residents within our region have equitable access to high quality, clean drinking water. Preparing future generations to be good stewards of our water resources is critical for maintaining our water systems and ensuring safe water for years to come.