The LVW Civil Discourse Network and National Institute for Civil Discourse presents the webinar "Democracy, Disinformation and Distrust: Building Citizen Capacity to Impact".
The webinar explores ways that everday Americans can build our capacity to establish resilience to the impact of mis/disinformation.
"As we think about some of the challenges in our democracy now, the information ecosytem is helping foster increased division and distrust. Misinformation spreading on social media has become an unfortunate fact of life: fueling polarization and hate, driving down trust in instiutions, amplifying fringe science and conspiracies, and inciting violence. Every political and social issue is now impacted by the threat of false and misleading claims that can confuse and radicalize the public.
We want to better understand this environment and explore ways that everyday Americans can be a part of building our capacity to establish resilience to the impact of misinformation and disinformation."
Please join us for this exploration with Matt Leighninger, Head of Democracy Innovation with the National Conference on Citizenship and Cameron Hickey, Director of Algorithmic Transparency Institute of the National Conference on Citizenship.