Health and Values at the Polls: A Voter Education Town Hall / MOSES and Intercultural Community Center in Dearborn

Health and Values at the Polls: A Voter Education Town Hall / MOSES and Intercultural Community Center in Dearborn

ICCD Event July 17 Update 334


Henry Ford Centennial Library
16301 Michigan Ave. West of Greenfield
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Health and Values at the Polls: A Voter Education Townhall

July 17, 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Register now for this evening voter education program exploring election issues and how they affect democracy and civic engagement.

Presented by MOSES (Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling Strength) and ICCD (Intercultural Community Center in Dearborn)

This nonpartisan event includes discussion of the importance of voting, how to vote, who and what's on the ballot for the August 2 primary election.

League of Women Voters Dearborn-Dearborn Heights is a Community Partner of the ICCD.