Michigan League of Conservation Voters Annual Detroit Gala

Michigan League of Conservation Voters Annual Detroit Gala

Michigan League of Conservation Voters logo


Garden Theater
3929 Woodward Ave.
Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm
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Join Michigan LCV at our premier annual event for good food, drinks, and friends!

The fun and festive evening will uplift environmental champions, bring important decision-makers together, and support community leaders making a difference in Michigan.

All proceeds will support Michigan LCV's consistent, effective work to elect, educate, and hold accountable officials who help protect our clean water, air, and land and ensure environmental justice.

 Thursday, October 17th, 2024

6:00PM-8:30PM (EST)

Garden Theater

3929 Woodward Ave, Detroit

For more information, please contact Arye at ashannoncarmichael [at] michiganlcv.org or at (616) 335-1266.