Millennials, Gen Z, and Civic Engagement- Brennan Center for Justice

Millennials, Gen Z, and Civic Engagement- Brennan Center for Justice

Thursday, March 10, 2022 - 6:00pm
Thursday, March 10, 6–7 p.m. ET
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Leveraging digital literacy, protests and demonstrations, and public debate on social media channels, Millennials and Generation Z have a distinct way of engaging in our society. And some are beginning to bring their style of civic engagement to more traditional venues, such as elected office. How does their reimagining of civic engagement in America challenge tradition? And how will it reshape our democracy?
Join us for a live discussion with Theodore R. Johnson, director of the Fellows Program at the Brennan Center; Elan C. Hope, Brennan Center fellow and associate professor of psychology and university scholar at North Carolina State University; Ruby Belle Booth, Brennan Center fellow; Layla Zaidane, president and CEO of the Millennial Action Project; and Laura Barrón-López, Politico White House correspondent. The conversation will explore the opportunities found when we engage across generations to make our country stronger.
SPEAKERS: Elan C. Hope, Fellow, Brennan Center; Associate Professor, University Scholar, North Carolina State University // Theodore R. Johnson, Director, Brennan Center Fellows Program // Layla Zaidane, President and CEO, Millennial Action Project // Ruby Belle Booth, Fellow, Brennan Center // Moderator: Laura Barrón-López, White House Correspondent, Politico; Contributor, CNN
Thursday, March 24, 6–7 p.m. ET
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The defense of free speech by social media companies can only go so far without permanently damaging a democracy — is it too late to fix?
The problem of misinformation on social media has ballooned over the last few years, especially in relation to elections. The result has been further polarization of our already divided country. There has been a boisterous debate about the de-platforming of former president Donald Trump, but how else are social media companies able to combat those deliberately spreading false information? How do we control this false speech while protecting the First Amendment — and our democracy?
Join us for a live discussion with one of the country’s leading experts on election law, Richard L. Hasen, author of the upcoming book Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics — and How to Cure It, for a look into how social media companies can solve this problem without shutting down the essential free flow of ideas and opinions.
SPEAKERS: Richard L. Hasen, Chancellor’s Professor of Law and Political Science, UC Irvine School of Law; Author, Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics — and How to Cure It


Brennan Center for Justice
Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
120 Broadway, Suite 1750 New York, NY 10271
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