The Michigan Department of Transportation is hosting two public meetings to discuss the “Restore 94 project” that will impact the cities of Romulus, Taylor, Allen Park, Melvindale, Dearborn Heights, and Dearborn.
The first will be from noon to 2 p.m. on March 27 in the Allen Park Department of Public Services conference room, 24000 West Outer Drive.
The second meeting will be held the same day from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Romulus Public Library in the Community Room, 11121 Wayne Road.
Staff and contractors from MDOT will be on hand to answer questions and share project details.
Also invited to attend are community stakeholders, city representatives, local businesses, and interested residents.
Those attending who require mobility, visual, hearing, written, or other assistance for effective participation should contact Orlando Curry at 517-241-7462 or CurryO [at] Michigan.gov, preferably at least five business days prior to the meeting.
Forms are located on the Title VI webpage.
The Restore 94 project includes road and bridge work along 12.7 miles of I-94 from east of I-275 to west of Michigan Avenue. Work on this $353 million investment is expected to begin in early 2026.
A noise study analyzed the entire project area for noise impacts and potential noise mitigation.
The draft noise report and information on MDOT’s noise abatement program are available on MDOT’s website at Michigan.gov/Noise.
MDOT is seeking the public’s input on the draft noise report. Comments can be submitted via e-mail, phone, and in person at the public meeting.
Provide your input on the draft noise report by April 9, 2025 to Lane Masoud, MasoudL [at] Michigan.gov or by calling 517- 241-7575.