Watchdogging: Make a Difference by Monitoring Your Local Politicians / Birmingham Unitarian Church Social and Environmental Justice Committee

Watchdogging: Make a Difference by Monitoring Your Local Politicians / Birmingham Unitarian Church Social and Environmental Justice Committee

Watch dog webinar


Virtual Zoom Meeting
Sunday, February 25, 2024 - 7:00pm

Sunday, February 25, 2024

7:00 pm via Zoom

Register here and add to your calendar:

Sure you vote, but what’s the next step to getting more involved in your local government?

 School boards, city councils and county commissions are levels of government where a little bit of civic engagement can really make a difference. 

 We’d like to challenge as many BUCers as possible to attend a local government meeting such as school board, city council, or county commission. We’d even like to track how many people attend meetings!

Speakers will include

 State Rep. Natalie Price (former Berkley City Council member),

 Oakland County Commissioner Charlie Cavell, and 

 Harper West, Rochester Hills Library Board Trustee


But to give you the skills you’ll need, we’re holding an online event to demystify local government and help you get more involved on issues that matter to you. 

 You’ll learn:

  • How to read an agenda, access packets, and what to watch for at meetings
  • How to use public comments to have the most effect
  • How just showing up can make a difference on how elected officials vote

 If you have experience with political advocacy work, please join and share your ideas!