Wrapping Up The Year, and Planning For The Next League Year
It's been a League year! A year of new experiences and opportunities. We've grown and we've adapted as a local organization. Join us the LWVEUP Annual Meeting, Saturday, June 5th at 6 p.m. for a virtual meeting where we wrap up the year's activities, discuss ongoing work, and vote on the budget and leadership for the next year. This meeting is open to all members and not-yet-members, but only members may vote. If you would like to vote at the annual meeting and future meetings, please join us! Here's the form to get your membership in the League started.
If you want to see the agenda or budget before the meeting but haven't received it in your email, please let us know by emailing: lwveup [at] gmail.com.
To join the Annual Meeting, use Zoom Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/99287838750?pwd=MmJhK1c5aHFCMnJ3Nk4yTEFMUjJRZz09 Meeting ID: 992 8783 8750, Passcode: 295601
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Dial into the meeting: +1 301-715-8592 US (Meeting ID: 992 8783 8750 Passcode: 295601)