Visit to find all the facts before you vote. Enter your address and get your entire ballot and polling place.
Enter your address to find your polling place, create your personalized voters' guide and find everything you need to vote! With your personalized guide, you will:
- see everything that will be on your ballot,
- compare candidates' positions side-by-side,
- print out a personalized ballot with your choices to take with you on Election Day.
Upcoming Election Dates:
Early voting: Thursday, September 24th
General Election: Tuesday, November 3rd
Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.
Request an absentee ballot no later than 5 p.m. the Friday before the Election.
Ballots must be received by the clerk no later than 8 p.m., Tuesday, November 3rd.
Visit to get Election Information and to learn about the candidates seeking your vote.