The League of Women Voters of the Holland Area supports the concept of cooperative planning for the cities of Holland, Zeeland, Saugatuck, the village of Douglas, and the townships of Holland, Zeeland, Park, Fillmore, Laketown, and Saugatuck. The Macatawa Area Coordinating Council, formed from representatives of Holland, Zeeland, Holland Township, Park Township, Zeeland Township, Fillmore Township, Olive Township, and Port Sheldon Township, receives the League's interest and support.
Adopted 2003.
Background of Position
This welding of separate units of government into a regional planning organization represents the ideal way to produce area-wide results, eliminate duplication and cross-purpose of efforts, and eliminate duplication of expenditures.
Land use policies should allow for proper supply of utilities, traffic systems, school and recreational needs, preservation of historical sites and buildings, and protection and improvement of natural beauty spots. Center city vitality should be maintained and encouraged; preservation of farmland should be considered in the context of urban sprawl and development.
Land use policies (planning, zoning and growth) should protect natural areas, forests, dunes, parks, wetlands, and wildlife habitat as well as air and water quality, and the health of residents.