Add Position

Add Position

You can create positions that align with your League's program. Create a position for each advocacy position / issue area within your League. For each position, you can specify the position's one-liner, history of changes, and related issues of focus unique to each position. As you create positions, each published position begins to dynamically fill your list of Positions. Your League's list of Positions will be found at: 

Follow these steps along with the screenshots as your guide to create a new position.

Administer League Site Menu, expanded (for Red & Blue theme)

  1. While on your homepage, expand the Administrator League Site menu. 
  2. From the drop-down list of options, click Add Position. This will open a new draft of a new position.

Below is an example of the editing form of a new position that is being added. Click on the image below to see it in a new tab. From that tab, you can zoom in and out over the image.

Position Editing Form





Title: A title is required. Changes here will only be visible once your revision is published.

Teaser / One Sentence Logline: Add a quick tagline for the position. This is similar to the summary for most other content, but this field does not support HTML markup and will display any text entered as Special style.

Quick explanation of teaser / Position in Brief: When used, the label "Position In Brief:" appears above the text entered. This section appears directly under the one sentence logline once saved.

Full Details: Use this section as the body of your content. No label appears above this section. This section appears directly under the Position History.

History of actions taken / Position History: When used, the label "Position History:" appears above the text entered. This section appears directly under the Position in Brief.

Issues related to position: Select at least one related issueThis is required. When used, the label "Issues:" appears above the issues you have selected. Each related issue creates a link and this list of issue links will display under the Details.

Related committees: Add related committee(s). The list includes all committees across MyLO and they are in alphabetical order by committee title then League name. We recommend searching by League name to better narrow down the list of committees. When used, the label "This position is related to which committees:" appears above the committees you have selected. Each related committee creates a link. This displays under the Issues.

Join the Conversation Direct Link: Enter any URL or path to create a link that will read: For our members: join the group discussion ». This link displays at the bottom of the page.

Public or Members Only: Mark this content as private to keep this accessible to members only. Read more about creating private content.

Publishing options:
  • Promoted to front page: Checking this box will display the one sentence logline on the homepage and provide a link to read the full position. Read more about promoted and sticky.
  • Sticky at top of lists: The list of Positions is arranged in alphabetical order. You can override that order by marking the content as sticky. Read more about promoted and sticky.
  • MODERATION STATE: If you are happy with your changes, set this state to Published. 

Click Save to save your changes, whether in draft or Published mode. The position will appear in the list of Positions once it has been published.

An example of the content using all of the fields

Published position, using all fields



How the published position appears in the list of Positions

Published position, from the list of Positions


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