

Support apportionment of congressional districts and elected legislative bodies at all levels of government based substantially on population.

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Apportionment and Redistricting Updates


Action Alerts

An amendment to change the Pennsylvania constitution to elect appellate court judges from regional districts is making its way through the Pennsylvania legislature.

Ruchti, Armstrong, and Manwaring

The League of Women Voters of Pocatello presented the first of two Legislative Forums with three of their six representatives in Districts 28 and 29.

2021 Legislative Priorities
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of Connecticut strives every day to empower voters and defend democracy. We are proud to be nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties, and always working on vital issues of concern to members and the public. Our 2021 Legislative Priorities include Early Voting and No-Excuse Absentee Ballots, a Fair and Transparent Redistricting Process, Campaign Finance Reform and protecting the Citizen's Election Program, and Environment & Climate .

Advocacy 101 workshop banner
Event Date: 
Jan 15 2021 10:00 am to Jan 16 2021 11:45 am
Event location: 

Online - Zoom

Interested in Early in-person Voting, No-excuse Absentee Ballots, Campaign Finance Reform, Fair and Transparent Redistricting, or just learning the basics of advocacy? You don't have to have all the expertise or all the time in the world! This year, it will be more accessible than ever, from the comfort of your home via Zoom. Registration deadline: 5PM Wednesday, January 13th.

Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

The health of our democracy and its people depends on accurate data from the 2020 Census. This data helps determine representation and resource allocation for Connecticut and the entire country for the next 10 years. Yet, the Census Bureau staff have only 11 weeks to complete their work on Census files, due to COVID-19 delays and reporting deadlines. Congress has the power to grant an extension, but it will require a Senate majority. That's why our Senators need to hear from us.

People Powered Fair Vote logo with map

As the U.S. Census nears announcing its final numbers, the League will begin year 2 of working on the People Powered Fair Maps (PPFM) initiative, which works on fair and honest redistricting.

February Speak Up School
Event Date: 
May 12 2021 06:00 pm to May 13 2021 07:45 pm


Census logo

Action Alerts

Census Bureau Statement on 2020 Census Data Collection Ending
OCTOBER 13, 2020

Census logo

OCT. 2, 2020 – On October 2, 2020, the message below was sent to census takers working on the 2020 Census:
