Public Policy on Reproductive Choices

Public Policy on Reproductive Choices

Protect the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.

Blog Post

Mifepristone, a drug commonly used for medication abortion, is under attack in the federal courts. At stake are the rights of women and people who can become pregnant to access one of the most common, effective, and safest forms of abortion.

Yes on 4 graphic

Restrictions on reproductive freedom affect everyone, regardless of who they are or what they believe about abortion. The citizen-led ballot initiative, designated on the 2024 ballot as Amendment 4 and titled the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion,” seeks to create a constitutional amendment that would protect Floridians’ freedom to access abortion. Join Yes on 4 and LWV as we work to educate voters end government interference with abortion!

Hand and Talk Bubble emojis on blue background
Event Date: 
Jun 25 2024 05:15 pm to 06:15 pm

Join Yes on 4 and LWV as we work to end government interference with abortion!

Hand and Talk Bubble emojis on blue background
Event Date: 
Jun 18 2024 05:15 pm to 06:15 pm

Join Yes on 4 and LWV as we work to end government interference with abortion!

Hand and Talk Bubble emojis on blue background
Event Date: 
Jun 11 2024 05:15 pm to 06:15 pm

Join Yes on 4 and LWV as we work to end government interference with abortion!

Hand and Talk Bubble emojis on blue background
Event Date: 
Jun 18 2024 06:00 pm to 08:30 pm

Join us for a memorable evening at the historic Hippodrome Theater, where we'll host a special film screening, followed by drinks at their cozy basement bar!

June Super Saturday
Event Date: 
Jun 22 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Join Yes on 4 and LWV as we work to end government interference with abortion!

LWVUS logo
Blog Post

To achieve the League's vision of a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate, LWV advocates on issues like voting rights as

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
Let’s call May “Motivation Month.” (I love alliteration!) There’s a lot to motivate us in May, both sticks and carrots. Let’s start with carrots.

On May 23 at 6 p.m. we will be having our Annual Meeting for the first time since COVID. Hurrah! We’ll get to chat and catch up, enjoy a tasty dinner and have our business meeting. It will be fun and gratifying to see the marvelous people who do the good work of the League and welcome new members and leadership. Can you tell I’m excited?...

May Super Saturday Event Graphic
Event Date: 
May 18 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Join Yes on 4 and LWV as we work to end government interference with abortion!
