Public Policy on Reproductive Choices

Public Policy on Reproductive Choices

Protect the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.

Action Alerts

It finally happened! As you may have seen on the news, the Equality in Abortion Coverage was signed into law last night 5/18/2023 by the Governor.

LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

Please make four calls by Monday. Tell  your senator, your house representative, and committee chairs Danny Verdin and Weston Newton to stop the bans!  Both chambers meet Tuesday. 

LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

The SC Senate will hear H.5399, an extreme abortion ban, on the morning November 9. 

By November 8, call or visit your Senator. Again. Identify yourself as a CONSTITUENT and tell them to vote NO. 
LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

H.5399, an extreme abortion ban, moves to the Senate for debate next week. 

Before September 7, contact your Senator. Again. Identify yourself as a CONSTITUENT and tell them to vote NO. 

Pack the State House in a show of opposition at 10 am, Tuesday, September 6 (Medical Affairs Subcommittee) and 10 am, Wednesday, September 7 (full Senate debate). 
Dobbs v Jackson
Blog Post

Written by Carmel Johnson, J.D.

LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

We need YOU —and your power as a constituent—as the Senate takes up draconian abortion legislation on September 7.

No set of exceptions will make this legislation —or the “heartbeat” bill already in effect— acceptable. Call your senator and the Senate leadership. Keep up the pressure!

United Nations Building Place des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Statement from the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

Photo of Kathleen Montgomery

LWVUS Joins 25 International Organizations in Efforts to Protect Women’s Reproductive Rights Globally

By Kathleen Montgomery

LWVSC Alert: Committtees to hear bans in mid-August

Action Alerts

Both houses are moving forward with abortion bans. The League opposes the proposed bans in their entirety. Read our testimonies: 

PDF icon 8.16.2022 House Special Laws Subcommittee Testimony H.5399

PDF icon 8.17.2022 Senate Medical Affairs Committee Testimony S.1327, S.1373, S.1348
