Public Policy on Reproductive Choices

Public Policy on Reproductive Choices

Protect the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.

Hand and Talk Bubble emojis on blue background
Event Date: 
06/18/2024 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm

Join us for a memorable evening at the historic Hippodrome Theater, where we'll host a special film screening, followed by drinks at their cozy basement bar!

June Super Saturday
Event Date: 
06/22/2024 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Join Yes on 4 and LWV as we work to end government interference with abortion!

LWVUS logo
Blog Post

To achieve the League's vision of a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate, LWV advocates on issues like voting rights as

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
Let’s call May “Motivation Month.” (I love alliteration!) There’s a lot to motivate us in May, both sticks and carrots. Let’s start with carrots.

On May 23 at 6 p.m. we will be having our Annual Meeting for the first time since COVID. Hurrah! We’ll get to chat and catch up, enjoy a tasty dinner and have our business meeting. It will be fun and gratifying to see the marvelous people who do the good work of the League and welcome new members and leadership. Can you tell I’m excited?...

May Super Saturday Event Graphic
Event Date: 
05/18/2024 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Join Yes on 4 and LWV as we work to end government interference with abortion!

Blog Post

Moyle v. United States asks whether the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), a federal law, preempts — or overrides — Idaho’s Defense of Life Act... Put simply, Moyle v. United States concerns whether states can restrict abortion beyond what EMTALA currently allows...

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
It’s an exciting time to be a League member. The stature of the League shows itself at the national, state and local levels. One of my proudest moments, both personally and as League president, was speaking before the city commission on March 21, citing the breach of democracy and home rule when the state imposed the GRU Authority on our city. I stated “We have an opportunity to regain democratic processes and home rule in Gainesville. Let's do this...

Red Box with White Text "Take Action Now!"

Action Alerts

The Florida Senate Rules Committee will be taking up Senate Bill 476 (House Bill 651) on Monday (Feb. 26) at 2:00 p.m. (ET). This bill targets abortion providers, abortion-seeking patients, and people who help them by allowing lawsuits for “wrongful death” of an “unborn child.” This is the final committee stop in the Florida Senate.

We're urging every Florida League member to contact the members of the Senate Rules Committee and tell them to vote NO on Senate Bill 476!

Red Box with White Text "Take Action Now!"

Action Alerts

The Florida House Judiciary Committee will be taking up House Bill 651 (Senate Bill 476) tomorrow (Feb. 21) at 8:00 a.m. (ET) which will target abortion providers, abortion-seeking patients, and people who help them by allowing lawsuits for “wrongful death” of an “unborn child.” This is the final committee stop in the Florida House.

We're urging every Florida League member to contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and telling them to vote NO on House Bill 651!

Large Oak Tree with text overlay
Event Date: 
02/13/2024 - 7:00pm
Event location: 

Oak Hammock

At this Oak Hammock Committee Meeting, Adriana Menendez and Veronica Robleto from the Rural Women's Health Project will speak on, "Health Justice Support for Farmworkers and Immigrant Communities."
