Climate Change

Climate Change

Support climate goals and policies that are consistent with the best available climate science and that will ensure a stable climate system for future generations.

Large Oak Tree with text overlay
Event Date: 
11/14/2023 - 7:00pm
Event location: 

Oak Hammock

At this Oak Hammock Committee Meeting, Susan Nugent, a member of the Gainesville Chapter of the Climate Reality Project, will discuss, "What's Climate Got to Do with Our Food".

CCOA Logo of colorful abstract cartoon people figures with CCOA in blue font and Community Coalition for Older Adults in black font below
Event Date: 
11/08/2023 - 1:45pm to 3:30pm
Event location: 

Senior Recreation Center

The Community Coalition for Older Adults (CCOA) presents, "Climate Impacts in Alachua County" with Stephen Hofstetter on November 8th at 1:45 p.m. at the Senior Recreation Center, 5701 NW 34th Blvd., Gainesville, Fl 32653.

Matt DePaolis
Event Date: 
04/06/2024 - 9:30am
Event location: 

The Collaboratory

Join the April 6th LWVLee Educational Event - The Impacts of Water Quality on the Southwest Florida Economy.  Matt DePaolis, Environmental Policy Director Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation will discuss the findings of a study which was commi

Three women at LWV table with red table cloth
Event Date: 
10/21/2023 - 12:00pm to 5:00pm
Event location: 

Bo Diddley Plaza

LWV of Alachua County is tabling at Gainesville's Pride Festival. Join us to assist attendees with voter registration (training required) and voter education. We will also be collecting petition signatures. 

Three women at LWV table with red table cloth
Event Date: 
10/14/2023 - 10:00am to 1:30pm
Event location: 

Mt Olive AME Church

LWV of Alachua County is tabling at the NAACP Health Fair to assist attendees with voter registration (training required) and voter education. We will also be collecting petition signatures. 

Three women at LWV table with red table cloth
Event Date: 
10/07/2023 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Event location: 

Sweetwater Apartments

LWV of Alachua County is tabling at Sweetwater Apartments, a primarily student apartment complex. Join us to assist residents with registration (training required) and voter education. We will also be collecting petitions. 

Red triangle on white background with black exclamation point in the middle. Attention in black text over top

Action Alerts

09/20/23: Gainesville Residents United, Inc. provides an update and timeline for the city lawsuit regarding the takeover of Gainesville Regional Utilities.

Green and black text on a tan background with headshot of a Black woman with long hair and a green top in a circle inset
Event Date: 
09/30/2023 - 9:30am to 4:00pm
Event location: 

United Church of Gainesville

The Alachua County NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Committee invites you to their Climate Change Summit on September 30th at the United Church of Gainesville.

Action Alert from LWV (young and senior protestors hold signs of Planet Earth and one that reads "ACT NOW"

Action Alerts

Climate change and its effects threaten the physical, psychological, and economic well-being of our nation, particularly our youth.

Urge your Members of Congress to cosponsor the Children’s Fundamental Rights and Recovery Resolution to address climate change and protect our youth’s futures!
