Climate Change

Climate Change

Support climate goals and policies that are consistent with the best available climate science and that will ensure a stable climate system for future generations.

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

Please send a letter to the UAB, GRU, and City Commission and/or attend the meeting on March 9th to voice your opposition to GRU rebates to customers who buy/convert to gas appliances. These rebates promote the use of fossil gas and should be eliminated.

Climate Change pix from LWV Flikr site

Two major approaches to climate change are mitigation and adaptation. Although they complement each other, they differ distinctly in both method and rationale. Action needs to be taken now. With that in mind, the League of Women Voters of Alachua County focuses its advocacy on a transition to clean energy.

Climate Change
Blog Post

LWVUS Blog / Last Updated: June 9, 2022

The Economic Cost of Climate Change

by Diz Swift, Dan Zalles, and Carolyn Caywood

LWV of the East Shore logo in red, white and blue
Event Date: 
Jun 16 2022 05:30 pm to 08:00 pm
Event location: 

Women and Family Life Center Carriage House

Join the LWV of the East Shore for the 2022 Annual Meeting. This is a yearly meeting to set the budget, elect the Board of Directors and plan for the upcoming year. To celebrate being together in person, this year there will be an “indoor” picnic catered from the Marketplace in Guilford. The meeting will feature keynote speaker Bill Lucey of Save the Sound who will discuss The Impact of Climate Change on our Eastern Shoreline. Registration is required.

Mike & Pam Re

This month’s “Major Leaguers” are Mike and Pam Re, long-time Roselle residents who are quite active in their community. 

Climate Change pix from LWV Flikr site

In a recent New York Times article, climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe was quoted as saying, “Fear is useful to wake us up and make us pay attention. But if we don’t know what to do, it paralyzes us.”

Local actions, motivated and supported by individual and group advocacy, are part of the solution because timely, effective policies often occur first at the municipal level. Cities and counties throughout the U.S. have committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, hired personnel dedicated to climate policy, created climate action plans and started successfully implementing these plans.

electric car on road lined with palm trees

On April 7, 2022, Dory Larsen of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) and their Electrify the South program presented “Roadmap to Electric Transportation: How Your League is Making a Difference” to the League of Women Voters (LWV) of Alachua County. LWVFL and SACE are partners in their Electrify the South program. Below is a summary of her presentation with a link to Dory's slides as well as other relevant resources.


We welcome your reviews of books that • were published within the past three years • do not advocate for a political party or politician • do address issues supported by the League, and • intrigued you enough that you want to share them.
