Land Use

Land Use


BRIEF SUMMARY: The LWVDV supports controlled growth of local cities and towns with concern for the physical character of the area, including support for specific measures in individual communities.


BRIEF SUMMARY: The LWVDV supports incorporation of separate communities within the San Ramon Valley. The SRV members of the LWVDV favor the incorporation of Alamo. 


BRIEF SUMMARY: The LWVDV supports the use of city and County general plans as the guide to land use in the respective areas.


BRIEF SUMMARY: The Lafayette members of the LWVDV support an attractive and financially viable central business district.


Support of policies and programs which protect the health of the people, preserve the natural resources of the state, and focus on conservation, recreation, and research.


Dissecting Master Planning in Sussex County- April 11, 2018.  This was the 18th in our series of public forums focusing on educating and empowering all Sussex residents to become involved in the drafting of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan. The forum was available via live streaming.  

fulton mall

We support responsible stewardship of both public and private lands, recognizing that land use planning impacts air, water, mineral and biological resources and shapes social and economic conditions.

What do we advocate?

  • Establishment of livable communities with...
Affordable housing and safe neighborhoods
Adequate parks for recreation


We support standards and enforcement for natural resources.

Draft 2023 Update of the Fresno County General Plan and Zoning Ordinance for 2020-2040

League Study Guide for the County’s April 2023 Draft Update of General Plan Goals, Policies and Implementation Programs

The County of Fresno has been working to update its General Plan and Zoning Ordinance for more than a decade.  Draft plans are ready for public review. 


Recognizing that land is a finite resource, not just a commodity, believes that land ownership, whether public or private, requires responsibilities of stewardship.
