Recognizing that land is a finite resource, not just a commodity, believes that land ownership, whether public or private, requires responsibilities of stewardship.
Position In Brief:
Government, therefore, has a legitimate responsibility to plan and regulate the wise use of land and should consider public as well as private interests. Land use decisions must be based on limitations of natural resources such as air, water and energy; agriculture; and social and economic factors To guarantee responsive and responsible decisions, citizens must be an integral part of planning and managing land resources.
Elements of the League’s Land Use Position
- Develop general plans as a basis for long-term goals and objectives, and to benefit the community. Amending these plans should be only through a regularly scheduled and well-publicized process
- Preserve agricultural land, reduce the need for expanding service areas and encourage population densities which support mass transit
- Promote design and siting of residential, industrial and commercial buildings to achieve the greatest conservation of energy
- Provide adequate housing selection by location, type and price in aesthetically pleasing surroundings, with neighborhood access to employment opportunities, essential services and recreational facilities.
- Foster cooperation and coordinated planning and management of land resources among all agencies and levels of government Provide opportunities for initial and continuing education in principles of land use planning for elected or appointed officials who are responsible for land use decisions
- Promote mechanisms to arbitrate conflicts between governmental bodies and citizens
- Promote local and regional sustainability through coordinating action under local land use and transportation polices and LWV state and national positions
Position History:
Adopted 1982; Amended 1999
League to which this content belongs: