Resource Management & Protection

Resource Management & Protection

Promote the management of natural resources as interrelated parts of life-supporting ecosystems. Promote resource conservation, stewardship, and long-range planning, with the responsibility for managing natural resources shared by all levels of government. Preserve the physical, chemical and biological integrity of the ecosystem with maximum protection of public health and the environment.


Action Alerts

The Natural Resources Portfolio of the LWVDE Advocacy Corps is asking for your support to call upon the Delaware River Basin Commission to stop fracking in the area around the Delaware River Basin.

Photo of Grace Winchell on Coast Background

Effective and Achievable Climate Action by Cities

By: Grace Winchell, LWVOC Climate Change Task Force

Photo of Paula Monroe

My Electric Vehicle Shopping and Purchase

By: Paula Monroe, LWVOC Climate Change Task Force


One Step toward Reversing Global Warming


The City of Pasadena Water and Power Department has proposed the Arroyo Seco Canyon Project to expand the set of basins for capturing and spreading streamflow in the upper portion of the Arroyo Seco.


We welcome your reviews of books that • were published within the past three years • do not advocate for a political party or politician • do address issues supported by the League, and • intrigued you enough that you want to share them.


Sustainable Communities

Climate Change


Climate change is here and already changing our world. Bold climate action is needed now!

The evidence of climate change is all around us. More frequent and intense storms. Deadly heat waves and massive wild fires. Melting glaciers, rising sea levels and coastal flooding. These rapid and devastating changes highlight the urgent need for action — by all of us — as individuals and collectively — in our communities, at the state and federal levels, and internationally.


We support conservation of energy in the community.

