Climate Change Task Force News, Oct/Nov 2021

Climate Change Task Force News, Oct/Nov 2021

Solar Panels on Roofs / Climate Change

Effective and Achievable Climate Action by Cities

By: Grace Winchell, LWVOC Climate Change Task Force

Earlier this month, our League Climate Change Task Force sent each council member in our 16 cities the LWVUS excellent report on actions and processes that cities across the country are successfully using to mitigate climate change.

The LWVUS committee explored the actions of many cities and developed a list of effective and achievable actions that cities can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their city and the processes that assure successful implementation.

Now is the perfect time for you to acquaint yourself with this report, which can be accessed at and then contact one or more of your council members to discuss how your city could move ahead with climate action.

Our country and many states are taking bold steps to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and thereby reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our city councils need to do the same. Let's advocate for and support climate action in our cities.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact climate.change [at]

This article is related to which committees: 
Orange Coast - Climate Interest Group
League to which this content belongs: 
Orange Coast