Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Promote an environment beneficial to life through the protection and wise management of natural resources in the public interest.

Red Box with White Text "Take Action Now!"

Action Alerts

The Florida Senate Fiscal Policy Committee is scheduled to hear Senate Bill 1624, Energy Resources, on Tuesday, February 27th, at 9 a.m. This is a dangerous bill that sets Florida back 15 years in addressing climate change and further locks Florida into the continued use of fossil fuels. The House version of this legislation (House Bill 1645) is set to be heard on the Floor in the coming days.

We're urging Florida League members to contact members of the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee to vote NO on Senate Bill 1624. We're also encouraging members to tell Speaker of the House Paul Renner and Senate President Kathleen Passidomo not to agenda HB 1645 and SB 1624, and to tell their respective Representative and Senator to oppose the bills.

LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

Legislators are pushing sweeping new legislation, H.5118, that will eliminate hard won consumer protections in favor of public utilities. On/before Feb. 27, ask lawmakers to vote "no" on this dangerous bill.


These are the internal minutes notes from the Action Committee Meeting. (Members Only).

Earth Day Teach In
Event Date: 
Apr 20 2024 11:00 am
Event location: 

El Camino College East Dining Room

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Take Action 

Saturday, April 20th

Image of springs with bird in foreground. Text overlay "Natural Resources Committee Meeting"
Event Date: 
Feb 28 2024 05:30 pm

Join the Natural Resources Committee to discuss and take action on issues related to natural resources in Alachua County.

Offshore III
Event Date: 
Jan 18 2024 01:00 pm
Event location: 


The final webinar of the LWVMA 3-part webinar series on offshore wind, co-sponsored by the Environmental League of Massachusetts, is scheduled for this coming Thursday, January 18th, 1:00-2:00pm PT.


Support of general plans which will protect and advance the quality of the environment, and promote orderly change and development, including orderly annexations and/or detachments, with general plans reviewed and modified according to law.
Image of springs with bird in foreground. Text overlay "Natural Resources Committee Meeting"
Event Date: 
Jan 24 2024 05:30 pm

Join the Natural Resources Committee to discuss and take action on issues related to natural resources in Alachua County.

Action Alert text with black exclamation point in red and white triangle graphic

Action Alerts

The LWV of Alachua County has been following the issue of changes to the administration of GRU for nearly a year. It has been our position that the process used by legislators to enact a new law was a breach of democratic processes and the state inserting governor-appointed Authority members as administrators of our municipal utility are a breach of home rule.

Currently, the Authority is discussing reducing and possibly eliminating the already reduced transfer of funds to the city. This would have a detrimental effect on basic city services and the quality of life of Gainesville residents. We have two immediate action items for you.

Webinar II Opportunities and Obstacles Costs and Benefits of Offshore Wind
Event Date: 
Nov 16 2023 04:00 pm
Event location: 


Webinar II: Opportunities and Obstacles: Costs and Benefits of Offshore Wind

November 16, 2023, 4-5 pm Eastern Time
