

As citizens of the world we must protect our planet from the physical, economic and public health effects of climate change while also providing pathways to economic prosperity.

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The LWV-SHR supports the improvement, expansion, and maintenance of existing parks and recreational facilities and of the continued efforts by the Hampton Roads cities to acquire additional land for open space, natural areas, linear parks and recreational use.
sunrise over lake michigan
Public Statement


Jennifer Bolger Breceda, Milwaukee Riverkeeper (414) 430-6446
Jimmy Parra, Staff Attorney, Midwest Environmental Advocates (505) 670-4102

Sunset sky with power lines and power poles in foreground
By Carole Fernandez

Published July 31, 2018


Action Alerts

Clean energy got a big boost with the passage of SB 100! California will continue to lead the country in climate change action -- and 100% of your electricity will be from zero carbon sources by 2045.

Event Date: 
Jul 12 2018 06:30 pm
Event location: 

First Church

Energy Town Hall: The third in a series of town hall meetings with legislators on energy and climate change is scheduled for Thursday, July 12, 6:30-8:30 p.m. First Church in Jamaica Plain, 6 Eliot Street, Boston. Rep. Jeffrey Sánchez is expected to attend. The event is free but registration is required; sign up here. Rep. Sánchezis chair of the House Ways & Means Committee; come and ask for his support for climate change legislation.

LWV logo color open
Public Statement
For Immediate Release     May 29, 2018                                                                                
Press Contact
Louise Petering, LWV WI Director
Vote with the League of women voters

Recommendations for June ballot from LWV California and LWV Bay Area.

Event Date: 
Apr 02 2018 06:00 pm to Apr 03 2018 05:45 pm
Event location: 

Portage County Public Library (Pinery Room)

Join us on Monday, April 2 for a co-hosted presentation titled, "The Science and the Policy Debate of How Groundwater Pumping is Drying Lakes, Streams and Wetlands" with Dr. George Kraft, UWSP Professor Emeritus of Water Resources.

Public Statement

March 7, 2018

To:  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Re:  City of Racine water diversion proposal

Action Alerts

At Legislative Day today we learned that S.260, which would have created a long-term funding approach for the Clean Water Fund and set up a Clean Water Authority to administer the program has been changed to be just a study of funding and po
