

As citizens of the world we must protect our planet from the physical, economic and public health effects of climate change while also providing pathways to economic prosperity.

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Protect the Great Lakes Pledge

Action Alerts

LWVWI urges you to sign the Protect Our Great Lakes pledge in support of the Great Lakes Compact, the federal law that strictly limits removal of

Algal Bloom photo

Note: Nick Ciofani from Congressman Joyce's District Office spoke at our 2018 Hoilday Brunch to bring us up-to-date with projects funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Congressman Joyce joined colleagues in this recent letter to request full federal funding to beat back harmful algal blooms infesting America's waterways.


Support a balanced, intermodal transportation system


Support regulation of growth and optimum use of land in the county


Protect air and water quality in New Castle County, and remedy waste problems
Event Date: 
Mar 13 2019 12:00 pm to Mar 14 2019 11:45 am
Event location: 

Unitarian Universalist Church

Lunch & Learn with the League. "Climate Change and the Electrification of Transportation" Guest Speakers: Kristy Markey & J. R. Killgrew

Event Date: 
Oct 28 2018 02:00 pm to Oct 29 2018 03:45 pm
Event location: 

Courthouse Square Park, AV Bryan Federal Courthouse

On October 29, 2018, twenty-one youth will confront the federal government at trial in open court.

Hudson Storm Barriers

Action Alerts

Public Comment Period has been extended to November 5th.

Amnicon Falls State Park Rushing Water Wisconsin

Wisconsin’s Water Needs Your Voice

Here are some local environmental websites:
