

We support equal opportunity for high quality education for all students from early childhood through community college. We work actively to educate ourselves and the community about innovations in education as well as financing for education.

Picture of retired Hillsboro District Superintendent Mike Scott
Event Date: 
Nov 08 2023 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Lakewood Center For The Arts

Please join us to hear retired Hillsboro School District Superintendent Mike discuss the state of public primary and secondary education, explain the impact of issues facing students and their families, faculty, and administrators,

League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania LOGO

Action Alerts

Social Policy on our Radar--Censorship in PA Schools

April 2024 - Education Annual Report

The Education Committee continues to monitor public school funding, charter school activity, controversies surrounding public libraries, and other education-related bills filed in the General Assembly. Resolutions opposing bills which expand charter schools, tuition tax credits, and open enrollment have been approved and sent to the Metro League Board for consideration.

Graphic showing a photo of a chalkboard and pencils, with the following text: "CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS. FUND OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS"

Action Alerts

Public education in Wisconsin will face devastating consequences if the budget proposal for K-12 education, moved forward by the Joint Committee on Finance (JFC), is enacted.

Education Action Team

The Education Action Team focuses on the League of Women Voters' belief that high-quality public education for all children is necessary to sustain our democratic way of life and the economic health of our state and the people. We believe that adequate funding is essential to provide and sustain such an education.

To that end, the LWVNC:

Wisconsin Capitol July

Action Alerts

School Board Chair Diyonne McGraw (far left) with teacher/coach Patrick Penny and the Lincoln Middle School team

On April 17, Lincoln Middle School claimed the title to the 2024 Civics Challenge competition, prevailing over five other middle school teams from the Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) system. This year marks the seventh Civics Challenge competition, an event organized and co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters and the Alachua County Public Schools...

Oppose SB 1325

Action Alerts

SB 1325, Arming Teachers, passed out of committee on Tuesday, April 2 and could hit the Senate Floor for a vote as early as Thursday, April 4. We have a chance to stop this dangerous bill, but you must ACT TODAY.

Boy Running In The Hallway

Mister Chair, members of the committee, my name is Jean Henscheid, I am co-president of the League of Women Voters of Idaho. I am speaking on behalf of our statewide membership in registering opposition to H521.
