

We support equal opportunity for high quality education for all students from early childhood through community college. We work actively to educate ourselves and the community about innovations in education as well as financing for education.

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The Agenda for the Wednesday April 6, 2022 - 4:00 PM hearing has three bills which may be of interest to League members.

LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

Education Scholarship Account (ESA) Bill S.935 is scheduled for Senate floor debate this week, and it has strong support. Additional amendments are needed in three areas: funding, accountability, and accessibility.

Tell your senator that S.935 must be amended. 

LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

Multiple bills to create Education Scholarship Accounts (ESAs) are moving quickly through the SC legislature.

Tell your senator and house representative that you oppose Education Scholarship Account (ESA) proposals due to concerns about affordability, accountability, and accessibility. Oppose these bills that would divert monies from public schools that must serve students who need more resources.

Event Date: 
02/01/2022 - 11:45am
Event location: 

Zoom: Meeting ID 823 5379 8050, password 491441

Denise Harrington, State LWV Advocacy Chair, will update us on the League’s lobbying in the 2022 General Assembly on our priority issues. 

1.18.2022 Let's Protect the Truth in Ed, South Carolina, Town Hall
Event Date: 
01/18/2022 - 7:00pm
Event location: 


Learn how South Carolina legislators are trying to limit teaching diversity, inclusion, and equity —and how we can push back.  Sponsored by the Legal Defense Fund (LDF) and ACLU. 

Recording to be posted:

2022 LWVP Legislative Forum Part One

The League of Women Voters of Pocatello presented the first of two Legislative Forums with three of their six representatives in Districts 28 and 29.


The League of Women Voters of Arlington strongly supports the use of Citizen Advisory Groups by the County Board and the School Board.

Keeping Our American Democracy through K–12 Civic Education
