Gun Control

Gun Control

Protect the health and safety of citizens through limiting the accessibility and regulating the ownership of handguns and semi-automatic weapons. Support regulation of firearms for consumer safety.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America in blue text with red and blue stripes

Action Alerts

The Florida House Judiciary Committee are scheduled to take up the FINAL HEARING for both HB1223 and HB 17 tomorrow, Wednesday February 21, starting at 8:00 am. Just one week after the 6th anniversary of the MSD shooting, Florida lawmakers are trying to roll back two life-saving laws that were passed (with strong bipartisan support!) in response to the massacre. If the bills pass out of committee tomorrow, they will go on to the full House for a vote as soon as next week.

Please call the members of the Judiciary Committee TODAY and urge them to vote no on these reckless and dangerous bills.

Red Gun Violence text with white Prevention and Safety text on black to gray background with red circle around a hand on the left
Event Date: 
Feb 20 2024 06:30 pm

LWVAC's new Gun Violence Prevention & Safety Committee will meet by Zoom on the third Tuesday of each month.

Providence logo
Event Date: 
Feb 12 2024 07:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Event location: 

Zoom Meeting

Slides from February 12 -
Guest Speaker: Melissa Carden, Executive Director, Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence

Stop Gun Violence red text on black background with gun covered in chain and lock

On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., the LWVAC Gun Violence Prevention Committee hosted another in its Listen and Learn series, this time featuring guest speaker Rebecca Darnell from Alachua County Moms Demand Action. The group discussed gun safety programs Moms Demand Action has in place and how LWVAC can augment their efforts. A recording of the meeting is now available.

Red Gun Violence Prevention text on black to gray background with red circle around a hand on the left
Event Date: 
Jan 16 2024 06:30 pm

LWVAC's new Gun Violence Prevention Committee will meet by Zoom on the third Tuesday of each month. Initially, we'll feature guest speakers to learn what other organizations are already doing and how we can partner and augment their efforts. 

Stop Gun Violence red text on black background with gun covered in chain and lock

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., the new LWVAC Gun Violence Prevention Committee hosted its first meeting featuring guest speaker Barbara Markley, Esquire, gun safety advocate and Co-chair of the Gun Violence Prevention Committee at the LWV of Broward County. Barbara discussed the "Lock it Up!" gun safety program that has distributed 30,000 free gun locks in Broward County and other gun safety programs LWVAC may want to emulate. A recording of the meeting is now available.

Red Gun Violence Prevention text on black to gray background with red circle around a hand on the left
Event Date: 
Dec 12 2023 06:30 pm

The first meeting of LWVAC's new Gun Violence Prevention Committee will feature guest speaker Barbara Markley, Esquire, gun safety advocate and Co-chair of the Gun Violence Prevention Committee at the LWV of Broward County.

The Gun Violence Prevention & Safety Committee was formed to coordinate the League of Women Voters of Alachua County (LWVAC) efforts to reduce gun violence in our community.

Gun Safety
Blog Post

Assault weapons are firearms that can fire more and deadlier rounds over a shorter period than a handgun.

Stop Gun Violence red text on black background with gun covered in chain and lock

Gun safety and gun violence prevention is one of the legislative priorities of the League of Women Voters of Florida, and the League of Women Voters of Alachua County supports the City of Gainesville and Alachua County in their efforts to reduce gun violence in our community. As such, we support regulations concerning handgun purchase, ownership, and use. We promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans by supporting regulations concerning the purchase, ownership, and use of handguns that consider the balance of individual constitutional rights with the general interest and welfare of the community.
