Expanding Voter Access

Expanding Voter Access

We fight to increase voters’ access to the polls, including expanding early voting, automatic and online voter registration.

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RIVAC Campaign Press Conference
Event Date: 
05/12/2021 - 2:00pm to 05/13/2021 - 1:45pm
Event location: 

The Avenue Concept’s VOTE mural

The Rhode Island Voting Access Coalition, a group of grassroots organizations promoting the “Let RI Vote” campaign, will release the results of a statewide poll on potential reforms to Rhode Island’s election laws at a pre
website Banner for Early Voting and No excuse Absentee Ballots

Action Alerts

Our legislators need to hear from us about HJ 58 – the No-Excuse Absentee Voting Resolution. Both houses need to pass it by 75% in order for us (CT voters) to have the opportunity to vote on it in 2022. So we need your help to to reach every single legislator! Last year, 650,000 Connecticut voters cast an absentee ballot in the 2020 election - but this expanded access is not permanent without your help. Contact your State Senator and Representative today and tell them what a YES vote means to you.

Early Voting and No Excuse Absentee Voting Banner

Action Alerts

Connecticut is out of step with election reforms common in most other states. Due to the restrictive language in the State Constitution, we need to amend the State Constitution language in order to update our election laws. Contact your state legislators today and ask them to vote "YES" on the No-Excuse Absentee Voting (HJ 58) and Early Voting (HJ 59) Resolutions so that the voters can decide!

voter participation

Action Alerts

During the 2020 elections, Delawareans could vote in a variety of ways. We could go to the polls, vote absentee, or vote by mail. This made voting easy and actually increased voter turnout in Delaware by 7%.

Let RI Vote Policy Week graphic

Let RI Vote Policy Week will highlight specific policy features of the campaign to #LetRIvote First feature is MAIL BALLOTS!

Voter registration at Wheaton French Market
Event Date: 
04/17/2021 - 8:00am to 04/18/2021 - 7:45am
Event location: 

Downtown Wheaton

We're back at the Wheaton French Market--this year in April!

website Banner for Early Voting and No excuse Absentee Ballots

Action Alerts

We view protecting the right to vote and the opportunity to exercise that right as paramount for our representative democracy to survive and thrive. Due to the restrictive language in the State Constitution, we need to amend the State Constitution language in order to update our election laws. Contact your state legislators today and ask them to co-sponsor the No-Excuse Absentee Voting (HJ 58) and Early Voting (HJ 59) Resolutions so that the voters can decide!

Early Voting and No Excuse Absentee Voting Banner
Press Mention

It’s time to set the record straight: Voting in Connecticut is overwhelmingly safe and secure; it is administered by election professionals from both major parties. Connecticut voters turned out in record numbers for the November 2020 election, in part thanks to an executive order issued by the governor and affirmed by the legislature permitting any voter to vote by absentee ballot. But because of our state’s restrictive absentee ballot laws, this was only allowed under these special circumstances.

People Powered Fair Maps - League of Women Voters US
Blog Post

Our League's national headquarters has been a passionate and proactive force in spearheading the People Powered Fair Maps campaign, and their new blog series, "Redistricting Watch," is a great way to keep up-to-date on key issues in the redistrict

TC Voices Health Care
Event Date: 
03/29/2021 - 7:00pm to 03/30/2021 - 6:45pm
Event location: 

Streaming www.visaliatimesdelta.com or Facebook.com/VTDnews
