Fair Districts Ohio

Fair Districts Ohio

Fair Districts Ohio @ The Battleground in Kent
Event Date: 
Aug 25 2021 06:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Event location: 

The Battlegound

Believe in Fair Districts for Ohio? Or need more information about why fair voting districts are important? An informational and fundraising event
AUG. 25, 6-9 PM, WHERE: The Battleground Taproom & Mexican Kitchen, Kent, SPONSOR: Fair Districts Coalition.

Fair Districts Ohio Redistricting Commission Hearings
Event Date: 
Aug 27 2021 09:30 am to 12:30 pm
Event location: 

University of Akron Quaker Station Ballroom

Yes, be in the hearing room where Ohio citizens will be AGAIN (remember that overwhelming voter approval in 2015 and 2018?) letting their voices be heard in favor of fair districts. Consider testifying or come to stand in support. Here are the details.