The Battlegound
425 Cherry Street
See map: Google Maps
Ohio US
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - 6:00pm to 9:00pm
SUPPORT FAIR DISTRICTS OHIO by joining LWV Kent and other community members for a night of live music provided by singer-songwriter Bethany Joy at The Battleground in Kent, Ohio. Fair District Ohio representatives will be on hand to answer any questions you might have. This is a chance to get your questions answered about how gerrymandered voting districts allows legislators to choose their voters rather than voters choosing their officeholders. When public officials (of ANY party) draw legislative district maps to only benefit their political party, it hurts our democracy. Bring family and friends!
Head here to let the organizers know you are coming: https://bit.ly/37OZDSb. Not sure you'll get time to RSVP? Please don't let that stop you from joining the fun!
We believe fair voting districts is not a partisan issue. In fact, the 2015 and 2018 changes to the Ohio Constitution that were supported by more than 70 percent of voters institute bipartisan redistricting reforms for Ohio. These reforms focus on encouraging bipartisan map-making and establishing rules that focus on keeping communities or political subdivisions together. The focus is on voters! Where it should be in a democracy.
Fair Districts relies on the support of individual donors just like you! Donations can be made that night or anytime at https://bit.ly/FairDistrictsOhio
Your support is critical and urgent!