Voter Registration

Voter Registration

I am registered to vote. Are you?
Event Date: 
Mar 04 2023 01:30 pm to 04:00 pm
Event location: 

Carol Stream Public Library

The local elections are Tuesday, April 4! Do you need to register to vote? Have you moved or changed your name since you last voted? Stop by the Voter Registration table from 1:30 to 4 p.m.

Image of Voter Registration application

We are in need of volunteers to stock Voter Registration forms in libraries, post offices, and other sites throughout our LWVDV area, particularly in Moraga, Pittsburg, and San Ramon.

Register to Vote
Event Date: 
Mar 30 2023 09:00 am to 01:00 pm
Event location: 

People's Resource Center

Learn about the April election! Please stop by the League of Women Voters table from 9 a.m. till 1 p.m.; we'll share information about the April election. 

Register to Vote
Event Date: 
Mar 19 2023 12:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Event location: 

Cantigny Park

Join us at Cantigny Park as Cantigny celebrates Women’s History Month with a special “Let’s Go Girls” event.

Register to Vote
Event Date: 
Mar 16 2023 09:00 am to 01:00 pm
Event location: 

People's Resource Center

Learn about the April election, including how to register online! Please stop by the League of Women Voters table from 9 a.m.

I'm Registered to Vote; Are You?
Event Date: 
Mar 03 2023 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Event location: 

Wheaton Public Library

Do you need to register to vote? Have you moved or changed your name since you last voted? Stop by the League of Women Voters Voter Registration table from 10 a.m. till Noon to register to vote.

Register to Vote
Event Date: 
Mar 16 2023 05:00 pm to 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Winfield Public Library

Learn about the April election!

I'm Registered to Vote; Are You?
Event Date: 
Mar 04 2023 10:00 am to 01:00 pm
Event location: 

Warrenville Public Library

Do you need to register to vote? Have you moved or changed your name since you last voted? Stop by the League of Women Voters Voter Registration table from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m. to register to vote.

I am registered to vote. Are you?
Event Date: 
Jan 30 2023 10:00 am
Event location: 

Wheaton Public Library

Do you need to register to vote? Have you moved or changed your name since you last voted? The League of Women Voters of Wheaton can help you from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please stop by to learn about election information.

Register to Vote
Event Date: 
Oct 05 2022 06:30 pm
Event location: 

Wheaton Public Library

Do you need to register to vote? Have you moved or changed your name since you last voted?
