Lunch with a Leader Abbey Hayward July 18

Lunch with a Leader Abbey Hayward July 18


Our next Lunch with a Leader will be on July 18 at the Fellowship Hall of the Unitarian Church from noon to 1 p.m. Abbey Hayward will be the guest speaker. She works for the Department of Public Utilities as the Water and Energy Conservation Coordinator, developing education and outreach programming focused on reducing customer consumption and utility resource waste through behavioral and technological adaptations. Hayward graduated from Bowling Green State University with a dual degree in Environmental Science and Geology, with a focus in Watershed Management. During her senior year, her honors thesis was to evaluate living a zero-waste lifestyle for nearly a year. She worked at Soil and Water Conservation Districts across Ohio, implementing watershed action plans for Grand Lake St. Marys and Captina Creek. She ended her Ohio time as the Executive Director for the Captina Creek Land Conservancy. In the fall of 2019 Hayward and her partner sold their house and cars, packed up their stuff, and traveled the country in a 1983 Vanagon. Since rejoining society and settling in the Land of Enchantment, they have started a family and enjoy time outdoors and touring the County playgrounds.

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