Annual Meeting of the LWV of Los Alamos (following Lunch with a Leader)

Annual Meeting of the LWV of Los Alamos (following Lunch with a Leader)

Board Meeting Gavel


Via Zoom Platform Los Alamos New Mexico 87544
New Mexico US
Thursday, April 15, 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Following Lunch with a Leader on April 15, the LWVLA will hold its Annual Meeting via Zoom. During the Annual Meeting members review the LWVLA positions, decide on the program for the following year, approve the budget, and elect a new board. Please mark your calendars!
  1. Business Meeting begins (1 p.m.)
  2. Minutes of the 2019 Meeting (see June 2019 Update)
  3. President’s Report
  4. Membership Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Bylaws Change
  7. Adoption of Local Program (positions, plans for action)
  8. Adoption of the FY 2021-22 Budget
  9. Election of Officers and Directors
Please have the March 2021 newsletter handy for the meeting! Mail your dues in the envelope that was included with the mailed newsletter.  Dues are now completely tax-deductible.
Dues for Fiscal Year 2020-2021, which begins May 1, will be accepted at any time, but at the Annual
meeting is convenient for the treasurer and the membership chair. Please fill out the membership form that was included in the March newsletter, even if you are already a member or visit the Contribution Page.
Registration with Zoom is required to attend this event. A registration link will be provided as the event approaches.
Contact Information
Barbara Calef and Becky Shankland, Co-Presidents
president [at]