Election Day

Election Day

voter buttons


Municipal Bldg, White Rock Town Hall, Betty Ehart Senior Ctr, UNM-LA, Golf Course
Townsite White Rock
Los Alamos New Mexico 87544
New Mexico US
Tuesday, November 5, 2019 - 7:00am to Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - 6:45pm

Election Day - Tuesday, November 5th  

All Vote Centers are open:  7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Election Day Vote Center Locations: 

Los Alamos County Municipal Bldg.
1000 Central Ave, Boards & Commissions Rm
Los Alamos

White Rock Town Hall
Conference Training Rm
White Rock

Los Alamos County Golf Course Community Bldg.
4244 Diamond Dr., Multi-Purpose Rm
Los Alamos

Betty Ehart Senior Center
1101 Bathtub Row, Downstairs Classroom
Los Alamos

University of New Mexico-Los Alamos
4000 University Dr, Bldg 6, Rm 631
Los Alamos