Our League joined has joined the 2020 Census Complete Count Partnership. Many Troy community-based organizations, educational institutions, faith-based groups and representatives of the business community have also joined. The focus of all members is reaching people who tend to be undercounted - Troy is as much as 40% undercounted in some parts and the most undercounted part of the County. A Complete Count depends on recruiting local census workers to go door to door to the local community that does not respond to the invitation to respond by email or mail. A Complete Count also depends on people knowing what to expect - what questions? When? And of course a Complete Count also depends on everyone understanding the importance to our local community of accurate data to inform planning for infrastructure, services, and business. To that end our League has offered to coordinate a weekly presence at the Troy Farmers Market from January 18 to April 25. This was discontinued after the March 7th Market as the Market itself was closed due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Our efforts now must go online.
https://www.census.gov/roam (Response Outreach Area Mapper)