Rye, Rye Brook & Port Chester

Rye, Rye Brook & Port Chester


The League of Women Voters of Rye, Rye Brook & Port Chester is a nonpartisan political organization that promotes political responsibility through
the informed and active participation of citizens in government




Local elections matter!
The Villages of Port Chester and Rye Brook have local elections on Tuesday, March 18.

Make a plan to vote.


The Rye Brook elections are uncontested,
and per League policy, we did not host a candidate forum. 

Candidates for Mayor (3 year term): Jason Klein
Candidates for Trustee (3 year term): Donald T. Krom, Jr., Salvatore W. Morlino

Rye Brook polling locations are open from 6am to 9pm

The Village of Port Chester has contested Mayoral and Trustee races. The League of Women Voters hosted a candidate forum on March 5.
The videos from the forum are available on our YouTube page.

Candidates for Mayor (3 year term): Bart Didden, Luis Marino
Candidates for Trustee (3 year term): Richard Abel, John Allen, Noelia Candelaria, Phil Dorazio, Sylvia Dundon, George Ford, Charles Hoge, David Matthews, Nancy Naulaguari, Michael Scarola

Port Chester polling locations are open from 7am to 9pm

Find your Port Chester and Rye Brook polling locations and sample ballots at https://citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com/find-polling-place



luncheon flyer


Check your voter registration status at the NYS Board of Elections Voter Lookup Service. For more information, view the NYS Board of Elections Voter Registration Process webpage.

Use the NYS Board of Elections Online Voter Registration portal (New York govt. ID required) or the downloadable NYS voter registration form to:

  • Register to vote
  • Change your name or address on your voter registration
  • Pre-register to vote if you are 16 or 17 years of age




Become a Poll Worker

Must be 18 years old* and a registered voter in Westchester County

Earn $350 for working Election Day

For more info visit https://citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com/election-inspectors

*Minimum age of 17 if your school district participates in a program under Education Law Sect. 3207-a




register to vote




Be informed