All White Plains Articles


The League of Women Voters of New York State has published the results of the early voting survey based on the Fall 2019 election. h


Highlights of the November 2019 White Plains Common Council Meeting


The League of Women Voters of White Plains would like to improve voter turnout for upcoming elections. Toward that end, LWVWP will provide online access to statistics about voter participation in past and future elections. See if you can get your district to have the highest participation percentage!

At its September 3 meeting the White Plains Common Council:
    At the February 4, 2019, White Plains Common Council meeting, the council approved a $1,000,000 loan from the city’s Affordable Housing As

    At its October 7, 2019 meeting the White Plains Common Council:


    Early Voting is underway in New York State from Saturday October 26 until Sunday November 3. After you’ve voted come back here and give us your feedback.


    Video from the Candidates' Forum on October 16, 2019, as well as schedule for TV viewing

    LWVWP Registers Voters at Berkeley College during NVRD

    LWVWP members and partners team-up to register voters on National Voter Registration Day
